The Visualizer is a great tool for performing visual quality control (QC) of all the images. Below is a list of quality control checks that should be performed before proceeding to downstream analysis.
- For all images:
- Check that the tissues are high quality. If any of the images are poor quality (little to no cells present, etc.), uncheck the box labeled
Include region in downstream analysis?
. Unchecking this box will remove this image from downstream analysis entirely.
- Check that the channels are in focus. If any biomarker channels appear out of focus for images that were generated by the Enable Lab, contact the Enable Medicine team for assistance.
- For a few images:
- Verify that the biomarker signals are specific. You can grade the biomarker staining performance by going to the channel parameters box and clicking the grade dropdown menu. Grade is a scale from 0-3.
- 3 = highest quality with cell-type and subcellular specificity, low background signal.
- 2 = good quality with cell-type and subcellular specificity, possibility some background signal.
- 1 = Some cell-type and subcellular specificity may be detected, background signal may be high.
- 0 = Biomarker exhibits dramatic non-specific signal, little or no specific signal
- ND = No biomarker signal is observed
- You can also add any notes associated with the biomarker.
- Note that channel notes and grades are only associated with the region you have selected in the visualizer window.
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