The Analysis Status section of the Study Details page includes information about which steps you have already completed in this study, which you can complete next, and which cannot be completed until other actions are taken. It additionally contains status information of past and present processing executions of your study, kicked off from the Analysis Toolkit.

Study Status Tracker

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This tracker presents the following information:

Executions Table

A processing execution here refers to executions that have either been launched automatically by the platform (ex: first time segmentation) or manually by a user (ex: Analysis Toolkit extension executions).

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Each execution will have the following points of information:

  1. Pipeline

    1. This refers to a corresponding pipeline that is responsible for processing data in the platform. Generally this pipeline directly maps to where the procedure originated. For example, a pipeline called Unsupervised Clustering Extension comes from the Unsupervised Clustering Extension.
  2. Run Name

    1. Name of the execution.
  3. Status

    1. Current status of the execution.
    2. In this case, there are a couple different statuses that are possible:
      1. Started
      2. In Progress
      3. Completed
    3. If you see a status that you feel is incorrect (ex. you see that a cell classification execution you started was successful, but the data does not exist), please contact our team via the normal channels and we will try our best to help you promptly.
    4. If you see an execution is taking much longer to process than expected, please also reach out to our team. Some executions actually do take a very long time depending on the size of the dataset, but in certain cases this can represent a different issue that our team can help resolve.
  4. Buttons/Call to Actions

    1. If your execution corresponds to data that can be visualized on the platform, we provide links to that data once it is generated.
    2. Some examples of links that may present here are:
      1. New Explorer versions
      2. New Analysis Toolkit Extension results
      3. New annotation overlays in the Visualizer

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