We are working to build native support for ROI-based analysis on the Portal. However, this is feature is not yet available.

In the meantime, we recommend the following workarounds to perform ROI-based analysis:

  1. Annotations from ROIs in Visualizer to Workbench: Create cell annotations that indicate whether each cell is within an ROI drawn within the Visualizer (see Creating Cell Annotations from Story/ROIs). Then, through our ‣ add-on, you can pull and operate on these and any other cell annotations generated on the Portal. You can easily subset your cells to those within the drawn ROI(s), then perform additional analysis or data visualization, and push any resulting cell annotations back to the Portal.
  2. Image Splitter Workflow in Portal: To work with a smaller area within a single Region, you can perform an image split using the Image Splitter Panel. This will create new Regions containing a sub-area of your original Region(s), allowing you to perform segmentation and downstream analysis on only the area(s) of interest.

Below is a table summarizing pros and cons of each of these two options:

Pros Cons
ROI Annotations to Workbench - ROIs can be rectangular or freehand