The Insights module is used to store plots and images generated in Workbench, our internal RStudio environment. This page is for users with access to Workbench and our collaborators working closely with the Enable Scientific Team.

If there are no uploaded plots for a study, the Insights page is empty:

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Uploading plots from Workbench

All plots are uploaded to the Insights Module from Workbench.

Below is an example code for how images are uploaded in .svg format:

STUDY_ID <- 000
myPlot <- ggplot(my_df)

    = "my_plot.svg",
             card.title = "Heatmap",
             study_id = STUDY_ID,
             plot.description = "A heatmap plot")

Below is an example code for how images are uploaded in .png format:

STUDY_ID <- 000
myPlot <- ggplot(my_df)

    = "my_plot.png",
             card.title = "Heatmap",
             study_id = STUDY_ID,
             plot.description = "A heatmap plot",
             units = "in",
             height = 7,
             width = 7,
             res = 300)

More detail on how to use upload_image is available in the emconnect documentation and in the SpatialMap vignette on pushing plots to the portal.

Plot visualization

After the above code is run, the plot first appears under the Ungrouped Plots tab, under the plot card that you assigned in your Workbench code.

Note: If you have the Insights page open when you upload the plot from Workbench, you will need to refresh the page for the plot to appear.

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If you click on the icon on the top right corner, you will see some options for the card. Click Download Image to download the plot to your local computer. Click Move to Story to assign your plot card to a Story in the Stories tab (more details below). Finally, click Delete Card to delete the entire card from the Insights Page.

Note: This action is not reversible, and you will also remove all plots associated with this card.

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Grouping plots into one card

You may decide that some of the plots you have generated can be grouped into a single card, and this can be useful to prevent the Insights page from becoming too cluttered. An example of this would be when we upload UMAP plots of biomarker expression for each biomarker in the panel.

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