Follow these steps to quickly get started in Code Ocean, when migrating from Posit.
- Set up the following secrets
AWS Cloud Credentials
- AWS Access Key ID: username provided to you via 1Password
- AWS Secret Access Key: password provided to you via 1Password
- AWS Region:
Custom Key
API Credentials
: your Portal username and password
- Set up a data asset that contains your Posit files
- Select the Import from S3 Bucket option
- Bucket name:
enablemedicine-{colab|converge}-co-{portal username}
, where:
should be replaced with the name of the Posit deployment your account was on (e.g., either
{portal username}
should be replaced with your Enable Portal username
- For example, if we have a user whose username is
on the
deployment, the bucket name should be enablemedicine-converge-co-john.doe
- Set up a capsule and start a cloud workstation
- Create a new compute capsule (you can start by duplicating the workbench training capsule, which has already defined appropriate custom names for secrets required by packages developed by Enable)
- Under Environment, select the latest version of the
Enable Medicine Base Image
- Under Data, attach the data asset that you created in Step 2. This will make the files from your Posit home directory available at
- Launch an RStudio IDE cloud workstation!
Additional resources