Atlas search allows you to search through data from the private and public studies you have access to. Search results will include:

Note: data is indexed into Search once per day. As such, newly uploaded data, newly created notes/stories, etc. may take up to 24 hours to be Searchable.

Default Search

Default Search just requires your text query to return results.

You may use the filtering button on the right side of the search bar to choose from other Search settings and formats.

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For Default Search, you have the ability to select which type of entity to search for from the above list.

Natural Language Search (Beta)

Natural Language Search is an alternative search method that uses LLMs to grasp the semantic meaning of the words in your query. This can be useful for more complex queries, but may perform more poorly when searching for data with a direct match to your query. Natural Language Search leverages experimental AI models and is in Beta; as such, some results may not be relevant. We are working to continue improving Search moving forward.

Natural Language search also provides the ability to select which entity type to search for.

Filtering Default and Natural Language Search